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you get more when 3=4

The band hears this comment a lot: “Aren't there four of you?” The answer is: “We're musicians, not mathematicians.” The band started as a trio in 2013. When Zendrummer Wayne Achey joined the band, the decision was made to maintain the original name, and simply add the word “Band.” Wayne added a dimension to the music that took We3 Band to a whole new level. Audiences are mesmerized watching him perform, and hearing the solid and varied sounds of the Zendrum. 

Keep visiting this website to check out the show schedule. Please note that shows are listed only three to four months at a time.  Thanks for your interest and continued support! 

Very Exciting News: We3 Band will be playing twice at Musikfest 2024. See “SHOWS” for more details. 

Click on MUSIC to hear our first original SONG posted to this site: “I Can't Let It Go.”